The Entomological Society of Queensland, since its inception in 1923, has promoted the development of pure and applied entomological research in Australia, particularly in Queensland. The Society promotes interaction and communication among entomologists through regular meetings with guest seminar speakers, a monthly News Bulletin, collecting trips and the publication of a quarterly journal, The Australian Entomologist. Membership in the Society is open to anyone interested in Entomology.
Meetings are usully held every second Tuesday of the month in the ground floor seminar rooms at Ecosciences Precinct in Dutton Park, Brisbane. Our guest speakers present on a variety of topics: some examples include hover fly systematics, hive beetle control, history of museum collections, plant volatiles and parasitoid interactions, honeybee navigation and robotics, insect evolutionary genomics, butterflies of Africa, eucalyptus borers, mosquito control and the importance of taxonomy.
We are now holding our meetings 'virtually' as well as live. Members will receive a meeting link via the news bulletin and an email so that people can view the meeting online if they prefer.
Our next meeting: Tuesday, 10 September 2024 at 1pm
At our next meeting, Dr Nicole Gunter from the Queensland Museum will talk to us about "Understanding the evolutionary history of Australian native dung beetles."
Reminder! Annual membership subscriptions were due 1 January! Renewal forms are available online. Please let the secretary know if you have recently changed your postal or email contact details.
Looking for a special entomological gift?
"Bugs & Beads" has a whole range of insect/arachnid handcrafted items for you! From fridge magnets, cufflinks, embroidered necklaces to stunning 14/20K gold-filled earrings, and more. 10% of every sale is donated to ESQ to support entomological projects. Check out: Bugs and Beads!Beetles of Brisbane now available! Beetles of Brisbane is a recently published photo-guide to the city's common species. The 16-panel glossy brochure includes around 100 beetle images and covers 29 families. Beetles of Brisbane serves as a handy reference for anyone interested in trying to zero in on the family or even the species of beetle they have found or photographed. It includes an introduction to the Coleoptera, brief family descriptions (including tarsal formulae and estimated species number Australia wide) as well as the individual images with species name, length and some additional points of interest. Its production was supported in part by the 2019 ESQ Small Grant to Colleen Foelz (edenINK editing). The brochure is currently available for purchase at $8 (plus postage) Order form.
Quick links
Membership |
News & Events |
Awards & Grants |
Our next meeting: 10 September 2024 |
2024 Student Award $500 |
Renew: Membership renewals are due January 1st. |
Get your copy of the Beetles of Brisbane photo guide! |
2024 Small Grant Scheme up to $2000 |